What’s a Survivor?

Mar 25th, 2008 In: Voices of Violence By: Comments 0

People still ask why didn’t you leave, or just get a divorce. You’d think more than 25 years later that they’d realize or even get that doing either would NOT have stopped a lifetime of abuse.

Funny how it’s easier to blame the victim, than to offer help.

One must ask themselves if they put effort into helping rather than furthering the abuse with harsh words and criticism then maybe, just maybe, they could being to hear the pain.

Pain has many disguises, just as an abused survivor does. Of course, there’s one we share with those we love and care about, and then, when we’re alone in the quiet recesses of our own minds, we sometimes allow ourselves the chance to take a glimpse into what has become our past, NOT our present.

What no longer controls us and keeps us frozen. Instead, what makes us more determined, wiser, empowered.

Pain, fear, loneliness, isolation…what does this mean today?  My past!!!!


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