Standing Room Only

Oct 10th, 2009 In: Director's Notes Sin by Silence Tour By: Comments 0

We just finished our workshop at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence here in New Orleans, LA.  With Lynn Rosenthal, the White House Advisor on Domestic Violence and Eve Ensler, of V-Day, being the keynote speakers I have to admit that I was very intimidated about the attendance of our workshop.  We advertised like crazy.  Sin by Silence postcards covered the hotel area of the conference.  The women’s restrooms were littered with flyers and materials.    And it worked!  There was standing room only in our screening today as a couple hundred men and women from across the country, even as far as Alaska, came to hear the message of the film and be inspired.

These people in attendance were the workers who are in the trenches fighting the daily battles of domestic violence.  They are working daily in shelters, organizations and providing services for countless victims.  Do they need to hear our message too?  Of course!

After our presentation a group of women came up to thank me.  Just this morning they were having a conversation about burn out.  Burning out from all the heartache, anguish and torment of helping such a helpless cause.  Having to sit back and watch a victim go back to her abuser.  Having to sit back and hope that a donation check will come in the mail so that they can keep their doors open.

Today I was reminded that these advocates need to be supported and inspired just as much as the rest of the communities that we are touching along each stop of the tour.  These people need to be reminded that they matter.  That the work that they are doing each and every day is saving lives.  As I continued to talk with these women they were thanking me for helping them to be uplifted again.  Sin by Silence reminded them that they need to continue the long battle of trying to make a dent in the tragedy of domestic violence.  They were rejuvenated to go home and make a difference more than ever…they owe that to themselves.  They owe that to the victims they are trying to help.  They owe that to the women of Convicted Women Against Abuse who so need to know that their stories have helped inspire change!

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