Voices of Violence: No Longer Alone

Mar 28th, 2014 In: Voices of Violence By: Comments 0

VOICES OF VIOLENCE includes anonymous stories submitted by readers of the Sin by Silence Blog. Click here to submit your story!


I was sexually abused as a child , as an adult I made a choice not to deal with my childhood at all, because it was easier as i went through my life I was scared all the time suffered from panic attacks witch led to major depression.I suffer from low self esteem also witch led me to several abusive relationships. In fact I am 40 years old and have never been in a relationship were I wasn’t abused in some way.I am currently living in a domestic violence shelter in Indiana In my d.v. support group they showed sin by silence . I i feel a connection to the woman of this documentary because we share the same journey.Thank you for helping me feel less alone.I will keep all you in my prayers. As for me my journey continues, I will not allow my past to define my future any longer Thru therapy and and will power I strive for a better tomorrow.

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