Should I call 911?

Oct 26th, 2007 In: Voices of Violence By: Comments 0

Being woken up by a couple yelling at each other in an apartment building isn’t something new. But, it was 3am and the way this woman kept crying and saying “stop” wouldn’t let me go back to sleep. For, over 30 minutes, I laid there listening and debating if I should call 911. Maybe it really was nothing? Maybe they were just yelling at each other over something little? But, then again, maybe it really was something! I know that I would have never been able to fall back asleep knowing that I had done nothing.

The call to 911 was probably very humorous to the operator on the other end. “I’m sorry that I’m calling. It’s probably nothing. This is so stupid that I am calling. But, there is a couple fighting in an apartment somewhere above me and I just sense something is wrong. The woman repeatedly keeps pleading him to stop.” A few minutes later officers arrived at the building trying to figure out which door to knock on. Again, I repeatedly kept apologizing and saying “oh, it’s probably nothing.”

But, today, I am glad that I called the police because it really could have been something! I haven’t heard any arguments or yelling coming from that unknown apartment. Now, maybe that is a bad thing. Maybe I shouldn’t have called the police. But, I feel that this is the dilemma that a lot of people face when we sense that something might be wrong. But, I believe in not turning my back on something and pretending that nothing is wrong. I only hope that more people would do something too!


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